onsdag 28 juli 2010

How on earth do she have time for online and ofline activities?

I am a fulltime worker ofline, I work as an assistance nurse for elderly care. This means working any time during the days. Some days I work dayshift, some days I have evening shifts, I work holidays, weekends any time. Now you wonder, how in earth do she have time for online activities?

Have you not heard, a woman can do more than one thing at the same time.

I try to work on a organized scheduel. It is really necessery for me to be organized and have time to do every thing I need to do in order to keep my online business grow and keep my members and friends updated. On top of that socialize with family, do household work etc.....

Some days I am to tired to do anything at all. I seems to fall a sleep almost imediatly after a ofline workshift. Beleive me, some days I wish the days had more than 24 hours as it seems time flies so quickly.

If there was a shop where you could buy your time, the shopowner would be rich three times over as I am sure I am not the only one feeling this way.

The best time for me to work online is the mornings together with my laptop, only me and my coffee pot. I go up about two hours before I have to go to work, if working a day shift. If I work a evening shift, I got almost all day to work online before I have to get to work.

The first stop is the Email accounts.

I always login and go through emails. I have tons of different email accounts to login and check each day. However, I use a tool, Firefox thundermail, where I have stored all my email accounts. I only login in there, and from there I read the most important emails in the morning, and leave the others for later when I have done the other more important things.

The second stop is to login to my own webistes, that is, Traffic exchanges, Paid to click program and then my Text Ad Exchange.

I login to my sites and se if there is something I need to do. There is always sites
to be approved, sites to remove, ads to activiate etc. I also login to my own exchanges and surf a few sites just to say a friendly hi to my surfer friends on the live chat.

Third, I copy one of my pre-written article like this one and put it up on my blog.

Then I go of to work. When I come home I make dinner, dishes and clean up the appartment.Have some talk with my 19 year old son. Check on his wellbeing as a good mother should do.

When it is about time to get ready for some TV and and daily news I login and start the online activities. I know I will fall a sleep early so I predict I have two to three hours working online.

In my previously article I talked about news letters. Those I have pre - written. That is,I have already daily reminder letters filed that I update with a few notes and then just copy and send. Once a week I send out a news letter with more information. I have one stored and I update it the day before sending it. This save me lot of time each day, but keep me in touch with my members, friends and business partners online.

The one thing is, not to feel stress and feel, I must do, if that happen then is no longer fun, it become an obligation. Yes, I have an obligation to keep members updated. Having those pre-wrotten daily reminders that is only a click away to send out makes it easy and I wont feel stressed out and the obligation wont be so hard to keep up.

Each day I also use pre-written ads and send them through Text Ad Exchanges. A few clicks the ads is out in no-time.

To remember certain activities online I like to participate in, I use my mobile calender to remind me. I put in surfing contests intend to participate in my calender so when the contest starts my mobile will remind me. (I feel my brain stops remember things to do about two a clock every afternoon, a special on a ofline fulltime working day)

When it come to surfing other traffic exchanges I set up goals. As this month I have been on a mission to surf a special group of traffic exchanges that give me extra credits to assign my sites, banners and text links to keep them in rotation. ( I actually have got several sign ups working on this goal.)
I am heading for a three week long summer holiday in 48 hours. And unlike other people I like to stay HOME. I have many days to keep organize my time to be more effective for the next ofline working year. I have more time to set goals, make ads to promote, write articles and news letters. However, I will take an hour or two of for the beach and some exersising in the water to. I also need to organize to keep my body in shape . One hour of swimming will do the trick.

Remember: "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained."

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