onsdag 28 april 2010

Use contest´s for great benefit´s

Many PTC sites do have contest´s of different kinds. So do Traffic Exchanges. You might wonder why You should participate in those contest´s. Busy Bee and Twisting Traffic has contests each day, week or month. Participating in contest´s give you free benefits in credit´s of different kind´s or you even win cash. PTC sites and Traffic Exchanges have sales in link credits, rotating banners credits, Featured Site credits. Those you can win when you participating in contests.

However, that is not all benefits You get, participating in contests also means more members will see what YOU are promoting, that is the main goal YOU should think of, not only winning prizes. The prizes is only a plus and make the contests more fun.

There are many types of contests, but the one I would suggest is the REFERRAL CONTEST. Referral contests are the contest many owner´s use. And it is not strange at all. The main goal with a referral contest is bringing more, new members to a site.

The referral contest means any program you are a member of get more members. More members mean more veiws of members sites, programs or product´s that YOU are promoting. More members in Your downline means more sales.

So when you see a referral contest going on, join and participate. Your benefits will be greater. More members in YOUR downline and your potential residual income will increase.

2 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...
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Unknown sa...

Wonderful info and people should know about the contest as they are beneficial to both the site and the members - thanks for posting and keep up the great work