tisdag 1 juni 2010

TeamWork ~ The Best Marketing Strategi!

TeamWork - The Best Marketing Strategi! You may wonder about that statement. When you say it you may find it sounds benefital and it is. Let me show YOU how.
Traffic Exchanges of today have chatrooms where you find friends who are doing the same thing you are doing. Surfing and Market any type of business.
That means, while surfing you can make friends and chat. Now, the chatroom is not for promoting your links, only socializig and meet good friends with same interests. However, when you chat you may find someone who can help You with their marketing strategis.
To put it in other words, it is a type of social networking but you do it in the traffic exchange. You can not put links in the chat but you can have it in YOUR name. So when you find someone interesting of YOU and what YOU are promoting they click on YOUR name and you might be lucky and have a sign up to YOUR program.
Now consider that there is more than one Traffic Exchange attached to the same chatroom. That bring evein more new friends to change your marketing strategi idea´s with. There is no point of working alone as you probably wont ashive much from it, at least not at first. You need a team to work with in order to ashive benefits and meet YOUR goals.
To consider though make sure you use the right friends to do it. It is like when You move from a flat and need to clean it. Trying to clean the flat your self will take days but if you have a friend or two to help, you have it done faster. However, if one of those friends not do his/hers part of the job you have to do it all over again. The same goes for building a business ~ make sure to use the right friends to ashive the best marketing strategi.
There is one rule to keep in mind
~ If you take some then give some ~ never cheat on a friend.

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